It's been several months since my last post on this butterfly blog but I finally have an update for you faithful followers (just kidding, I'm pretty sure there are none!).
Anyway, here it is 9 November and I was surprised to see 5 species of butterflies here in central Iowa today! Apparently the recent days of south winds and temps around 70 was enough to bring some back into the area (or stir them up from hibernation). All were found in Polk County. They were:
Common Buckeye - 1 at Lakeview Access
Orange/Clouded Sulphur - 10 throughout the day, many at Jester Park
Skipper species - 1 flew by quickly at Jester but I wasn't able to ID it
Mourning Cloak - 1 at Jester Park
Checkered White - 1 at Jester Park
According to the Butterflies of Iowa book, there had never been a November collection of a Common Buckeye or Checkered White in the state of Iowa. However, I know very little about other record-late sightings. I'm very curious if anyone else has seen these species this far north this late in the season.
That's all for now.