13 September 2010

Loess Hills

Aaron Brees and I spent a morning over in the Loess Hills of western Iowa again on Sunday.  Conditions were quite windy which kept overall numbers seemingly lower than on previous trips.

We were lucky to stumble on a single LEONARD'S SKIPPER at one of our last stops...

Here is a spider preying on a TAWNY-EDGED SKIPPER:

If anyone out there has comments on this skipper, I'd appreciate input!  In person, I passed this off as a Tawny-edged Skipper but I'm not sure if the bold spots on the upperside is within range for those:

As with previous trips over to the Loess Hills, we didn't have much trouble finding SOUTHERN DOGFACES, including this one that (finally) perched for me:

And lastly, we were both struck by the contrasting pattern of this crescent.  Granted, I'm not very confident in ID'ing crescents only from the uppersides.  Anyone have any ideas?  Just a very contrasting Pearl?

1 comment:

  1. The skipper is much too dark to be a Tawny-edged, and the Crescent looks like a good candidate for Phaon given how light wing band is.
